Your professional reputation is your livelihood and protecting that reputation is ours

MA Guarantee
Terms and Conditions


  1. The Term of the MA Guarantee is a period of twelve months from the date of the Guarantee.
  2. When joining, the Doctor represents that:
    1. He/she is currently registered with the Medical Council to practise medicine in Ireland.
    2. There are no complaints against the Doctor to the Medical Council pending at the date of the MA Guarantee (other than complaints notified in writing by the Doctor to Medical Advocates during the twelve-month period preceding the date of the MA Guarantee).
    3. The Doctor is at the date of the MA Guarantee in good standing with the Medical Council.
  3. The Doctor agrees, in the event of a complaint or complaints being made against the Doctor to the Medical Council during the Term of the MA Guarantee, the Doctor will notify Medical Advocates in writing of the existence of the complaint or complaints and will furnish copies thereof to Medical Advocates as soon as practicable after the Doctor becomes aware of the complaint or complaints, and no later than 21 days after the Doctor receives written notice of the complaint.
  4. The Doctor consents to Medical Advocates retaining all information provided by the Doctor to Medical Advocates, on its database.
  5. The MA Guarantee will automatically lapse in the event that the Doctor ceases to be a registered medical practitioner in Ireland.
  6. The MA Guarantee will automatically renew for a further period of 12 months from the date of expiration of the Term, on payment of the renewal fee on or before the date of expiration of the Term.
  7. Medical Advocates reserves the right to refuse to renew the MA Guarantee on the expiration of its Term.
  8. The MA Guarantee and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it will be governed by the laws of Ireland.
  9. The Courts of Ireland will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which arises out of or in connection with the MA Guarantee including, without limitation, in relation to any non-contractual obligations. The parties irrevocably agree to submit to that jurisdiction.
  10. The Doctor agrees to provide Medical Advocates with full and complete instructions concerning the complaint(s), to include all information and documentation relating to the complaint(s).

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